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    i don't like people all that much

    Blessah Mae @ohmyshit

    Age 27, Female



    Joined on 9/30/10

    Exp Points:
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    ohmyshit's News

    Posted by ohmyshit - October 5th, 2010

    It's raining.

    Sorry, gotta go peel some potatoes.

    Pitter, Patter?

    Posted by ohmyshit - October 5th, 2010

    I FUCKING HATE-- no, I'm not raging in this blog.

    I ate chicken today.

    follow me on Twitter, bitch. CLICK HERE MOTHERFUCKER we can become best friends

    HOLY SHIT, I see myself below!


    Posted by ohmyshit - October 5th, 2010

    I just wanted to say this.

    I was watching some movie ad on this filipino channel thing, 'TFC'. And what this movie was about, is a fridge. That slams the door on you, and supposedly kills you.

    Like, the ad started with this girl. She was feeling really hot in bed, so she got up and went to the coolest thing she could find in the house. In this case, it was the fridge.

    She opens the fridge, and cools down and looks so refreshed. And suddenly, the fucked up fridge decides to moan and groan.

    At first, I thought the fridge was getting turned on or something. I was like, "Dude, really? You're a fridge and the girl didn't feel you up or anything. Geez."

    But it started to mumble, and shake, so the girl went up to it, and SLAM. The fridge door closes, don't know how, but blood starts coming out of her for-head and stuff. Seriously, what the hell?

    I don't know what's up with us filipino people back in the day. Like, that's all you could come up with? And they titled it 'Shake, rattle, and roll.'

    Anyways, I love being filipino, it's just weird to see that they actually released a movie. About a possessed fridge or something, that kills people.

    You just want to spank it and call it a bad name.


    Posted by ohmyshit - October 5th, 2010

    Alright, I'm at my aunt's house at the moment. And she has this mouse, (no you douche, I'm talking about the desk mouse, it goes click click..)
    But, what's abnormal about it, is that it has no scroll wheel.
    What kind of mouse doesn't have a scroll wheel?
    My finger gets fucking pissed when it can't find anything there to scroll down with.
    I could imagine it saying..
    "FUCK, where is that scroll thing?! Now the WHOLE FUCKING HAND, HAS TO MANUALLY MOVE THE CURSOR ON TO THE SIDE BAR. BLOODY HELL. *spasm*."

    Any-who, I guess it's okay. I think it's just me being as lazy as hell. *Sigh

    I like to blog. Don't judge me.

    TITS OR GTFO. Joke.

    Posted by ohmyshit - October 5th, 2010

    We were commenting on this photo that had nothing to do with me. Then, I blamed myself for the spam, and said I was awesome. And they agreed.

    Thanks you guise. x0x0x0x0x. <3

    ANYWAY, haven't been on Newgrounds all day. 'Cause I'm too awesome. Loljk.

    Posted by ohmyshit - October 4th, 2010

    Jesus then says, "I'm not paying."

    Posted by ohmyshit - October 4th, 2010

    OMEGLE. The paedophile factory.

    Things I like to do. In these conversations, I am 'You'.

    Omegle: I am the nicest person you'll meet.

    Posted by ohmyshit - October 4th, 2010

    Is it just me, or does anyone else have OR USED TO have one of these duck towels?
    Basically, it's a poncho type of thing, but made out of the towel fabric.. Stuff.. And it has this hoodie, that is a duck head. Or something. It's awesome.
    Anyway, I don't know why, but a couple years ago, my mother decided to buy a new one.
    Probably to bring back memories of the old times.

    HAH. Yeah. Duck towels are the shit. Even though it's too small for me.

    Yo, it's a duck.

    Posted by ohmyshit - October 3rd, 2010

    I got mayonnaise on my hair this morning.

    Posted by ohmyshit - October 3rd, 2010

    The emoticon I chose looks bashed. Ehehe.

    Anyway, last night's party thing, was as boring, as fuck. Dear gawd, I got 'dressed up' for nothing. Ffs.

    Anyway, yeah, just a lazy day. One more week 'till school's back. _|_

    **And if people are going to write shit that I can't properly respond to, psh, don't bother man.